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designed dimensions中文是什么意思

用"designed dimensions"造句"designed dimensions"怎么读"designed dimensions" in a sentence


  • 设计尺度


  • Playing field equipment - football goals - design dimensions
  • The method of finishing exact allowance to assure multiple design dimensions
  • Windlasses and anchor capstans - cable lifters for anchor chains - design dimensions
  • Design dimensions and errors of hobs for involute spur gears ; fundamental terms
  • Screwed stud - ends ; tapped holes ; for compression fittings , valves , screw plugs , screwed stud - ends type e ; design dimensions
  • When designing dimensions containing attributes based on related tables in multiple data sources , you may need to define a microsoft sql server data source as the primary data source in order to use its distributed query engine capabilities
    随后,可以添加来自辅助数据源的表和视图。异类查询要求至少有一个数据源是microsoft sql server数据源。
  • The company covers an area of 30 thousand much square metre , gauze of design dimensions cotton spinning bursts 30 thousand , year productivity 5000 tons , the company is acted on " it is with the person this administrative principle concept , everything is obedient at the market , everything serves at the user , the today ' s quality , market tomorrow " quality tenet develops
用"designed dimensions"造句  
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